miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

Phlegm, isolated together

Nuevo mural de Phlegm, lo ha llamado isolated together, como curiosidad os diré que en su blog advierte a todo el que quiera ir a verlo en persona que está pintado sobre una pared muy cerca de un edificio que está a punto de caerse, y que no hay nada más pintado dentro, que nadie entre allí, el artista urbano preocupandose por sus fans.

New mural by Phlegm, the piece is called "isolated together", as a curiosity I'll tell you that in his blog warns anyone who wants to go see the painting in person it is painted on a wall near a building very close to falling in on itself, and there is nothing painted inside, no one must go inside, the street artist is worrying about their fans.

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